Flight Information
Auto Analysis
Sayın Pilotumuz Ismail Surek ; GKT01AA numaralı uçuş analiziniz , Geçersiz/Hatalı bir veri dosyası algıladım.
Landing Rate
Flight Rating
Manual Pirep
Flight Status
Flight Rejected
[21:49:46z] Recording started...
[21:49:46z] User Aircraft: Boeing 737-8F2NGX Turkis
[21:49:46z] Flight Phase: Boarding
[21:51:24z] Parking Brake released
[21:51:39z] Flight Phase: Pushback
[21:52:00z] Flight Phase: Gate Closed
[21:54:20z] Parking Brake set
[21:54:45z] Parking Brake released
[21:56:10z] Flight Phase: Taxi Out
[22:05:30z] Flaps 3 at 73 ft MSL with 0KIAS
[22:05:30z] Flaps 4 at 73 ft MSL with 0KIAS
[22:05:31z] Flaps 3 at 73 ft MSL with 0KIAS
[22:05:31z] Flaps 4 at 73 ft MSL with 0KIAS
[22:05:32z] Flaps 0 at 73 ft MSL with 0KIAS
[22:05:33z] Flaps 4 at 73 ft MSL with 0KIAS
[22:05:34z] Flaps 0 at 73 ft MSL with 0KIAS
[22:05:37z] Flaps 3 at 73 ft MSL with 17KIAS
[22:05:38z] Flaps 1 at 73 ft MSL with 21KIAS
[22:05:42z] Flaps 3 at 73 ft MSL with 42KIAS
[22:05:42z] Flaps 1 at 73 ft MSL with 46KIAS
[22:05:43z] Flight Phase: TakeOff
[22:05:43z] Flaps 3 at 73 ft MSL with 54KIAS
[22:05:44z] Flaps 1 at 73 ft MSL with 56KIAS
[22:05:45z] Flaps 3 at 73 ft MSL with 62KIAS
[22:05:46z] Flaps 2 at 73 ft MSL with 68KIAS
[22:05:47z] Flaps 3 at 73 ft MSL with 73KIAS
[22:05:48z] Flaps 2 at 73 ft MSL with 77KIAS
[22:05:49z] Flaps 3 at 73 ft MSL with 85KIAS
[22:05:55z] Flaps 4 at 73 ft MSL with 118KIAS
[22:06:07z] Gear Up at 170 ft MSL with 161KIAS
[22:06:12z] Flaps 3 at 388 ft MSL with 165KIAS
[22:06:13z] Flaps 4 at 442 ft MSL with 167KIAS
[22:06:15z] Flight Phase: Climbing
[22:06:19z] Flaps 3 at 772 ft MSL with 169KIAS
[22:06:20z] Flaps 4 at 841 ft MSL with 169KIAS
[22:06:27z] Flaps 3 at 1173 ft MSL with 178KIAS
[22:07:14z] Flaps 2 at 3238 ft MSL with 221KIAS
[22:07:18z] Flaps 1 at 3324 ft MSL with 229KIAS
[22:07:25z] Flaps 0 at 3485 ft MSL with 242KIAS
[22:14:47z] Flight Phase: Level Flight
[22:34:10z] Flight Phase: Descending
[22:45:06z] Flight Phase: On Approach
[22:45:28z] Flaps 2 at 9599 ft MSL with 254KIAS
[22:45:31z] Flaps 0 at 9538 ft MSL with 254KIAS
[22:45:31z] Flaps 2 at 9523 ft MSL with 254KIAS
[22:45:33z] Flaps 0 at 9485 ft MSL with 254KIAS
[22:45:34z] Flaps 2 at 9467 ft MSL with 254KIAS
[22:45:37z] Flaps 1 at 9431 ft MSL with 252KIAS
[22:45:44z] Flaps 2 at 9293 ft MSL with 252KIAS
[22:47:14z] Flight Phase: Level Flight
[22:47:23z] Flight Phase: On Approach
[22:47:50z] Flight Phase: Level Flight
[22:48:03z] Flight Phase: On Approach
[22:48:29z] Flaps 3 at 7224 ft MSL with 204KIAS
[22:48:29z] Flaps 2 at 7197 ft MSL with 204KIAS
[22:48:32z] Flaps 3 at 7104 ft MSL with 206KIAS
[22:50:55z] Flaps 4 at 3615 ft MSL with 198KIAS
[22:50:55z] Flaps 3 at 3600 ft MSL with 198KIAS
[22:50:58z] Flaps 4 at 3544 ft MSL with 196KIAS
[22:52:34z] Flight Phase: Cruise
[22:53:11z] Flaps 5 at 2045 ft MSL with 171KIAS
[22:54:00z] Flaps 6 at 2027 ft MSL with 159KIAS
[22:54:00z] Flaps 5 at 2027 ft MSL with 159KIAS
[22:54:03z] Flaps 6 at 2027 ft MSL with 161KIAS
[22:54:07z] Gear Down at 2040 ft MSL with 159KIAS
[22:54:33z] Flight Phase: On Approach
[22:54:39z] Flight Phase: Landing
[22:55:59z] Flaps 4 at 904 ft MSL with 153KIAS
[22:56:00z] Flaps 6 at 890 ft MSL with 153KIAS
[22:56:02z] Flaps 7 at 862 ft MSL with 153KIAS
[22:56:07z] Flaps 8 at 804 ft MSL with 151KIAS
[22:56:55z] Flight Phase: Cruise
[22:57:40z] Flaps 0 at 185 ft MSL with 7KIAS
[22:57:41z] Flaps 8 at 185 ft MSL with 7KIAS
[22:57:48z] Flaps 7 at 185 ft MSL with 9KIAS
[22:57:53z] Flaps 6 at 185 ft MSL with 9KIAS
[22:57:56z] Flaps 5 at 185 ft MSL with 11KIAS
[22:57:59z] Flaps 4 at 185 ft MSL with 13KIAS
[22:58:02z] Flaps 3 at 185 ft MSL with 15KIAS
[22:58:06z] Flaps 2 at 185 ft MSL with 17KIAS
[22:58:10z] Flaps 1 at 185 ft MSL with 19KIAS
[22:58:17z] Flaps 0 at 185 ft MSL with 17KIAS
[23:02:24z] Parking Brake set
[23:03:20z] Recording stopped
[23:03:20z] Max. Simrate: 1x
[23:03:20z] Client: CCFTracker Free
[23:03:21z] Client Version: 1.2
[21:49:46z] User Aircraft: Boeing 737-8F2NGX Turkis
[21:49:46z] Flight Phase: Boarding
[21:51:24z] Parking Brake released
[21:51:39z] Flight Phase: Pushback
[21:52:00z] Flight Phase: Gate Closed
[21:54:20z] Parking Brake set
[21:54:45z] Parking Brake released
[21:56:10z] Flight Phase: Taxi Out
[22:05:30z] Flaps 3 at 73 ft MSL with 0KIAS
[22:05:30z] Flaps 4 at 73 ft MSL with 0KIAS
[22:05:31z] Flaps 3 at 73 ft MSL with 0KIAS
[22:05:31z] Flaps 4 at 73 ft MSL with 0KIAS
[22:05:32z] Flaps 0 at 73 ft MSL with 0KIAS
[22:05:33z] Flaps 4 at 73 ft MSL with 0KIAS
[22:05:34z] Flaps 0 at 73 ft MSL with 0KIAS
[22:05:37z] Flaps 3 at 73 ft MSL with 17KIAS
[22:05:38z] Flaps 1 at 73 ft MSL with 21KIAS
[22:05:42z] Flaps 3 at 73 ft MSL with 42KIAS
[22:05:42z] Flaps 1 at 73 ft MSL with 46KIAS
[22:05:43z] Flight Phase: TakeOff
[22:05:43z] Flaps 3 at 73 ft MSL with 54KIAS
[22:05:44z] Flaps 1 at 73 ft MSL with 56KIAS
[22:05:45z] Flaps 3 at 73 ft MSL with 62KIAS
[22:05:46z] Flaps 2 at 73 ft MSL with 68KIAS
[22:05:47z] Flaps 3 at 73 ft MSL with 73KIAS
[22:05:48z] Flaps 2 at 73 ft MSL with 77KIAS
[22:05:49z] Flaps 3 at 73 ft MSL with 85KIAS
[22:05:55z] Flaps 4 at 73 ft MSL with 118KIAS
[22:06:07z] Gear Up at 170 ft MSL with 161KIAS
[22:06:12z] Flaps 3 at 388 ft MSL with 165KIAS
[22:06:13z] Flaps 4 at 442 ft MSL with 167KIAS
[22:06:15z] Flight Phase: Climbing
[22:06:19z] Flaps 3 at 772 ft MSL with 169KIAS
[22:06:20z] Flaps 4 at 841 ft MSL with 169KIAS
[22:06:27z] Flaps 3 at 1173 ft MSL with 178KIAS
[22:07:14z] Flaps 2 at 3238 ft MSL with 221KIAS
[22:07:18z] Flaps 1 at 3324 ft MSL with 229KIAS
[22:07:25z] Flaps 0 at 3485 ft MSL with 242KIAS
[22:14:47z] Flight Phase: Level Flight
[22:34:10z] Flight Phase: Descending
[22:45:06z] Flight Phase: On Approach
[22:45:28z] Flaps 2 at 9599 ft MSL with 254KIAS
[22:45:31z] Flaps 0 at 9538 ft MSL with 254KIAS
[22:45:31z] Flaps 2 at 9523 ft MSL with 254KIAS
[22:45:33z] Flaps 0 at 9485 ft MSL with 254KIAS
[22:45:34z] Flaps 2 at 9467 ft MSL with 254KIAS
[22:45:37z] Flaps 1 at 9431 ft MSL with 252KIAS
[22:45:44z] Flaps 2 at 9293 ft MSL with 252KIAS
[22:47:14z] Flight Phase: Level Flight
[22:47:23z] Flight Phase: On Approach
[22:47:50z] Flight Phase: Level Flight
[22:48:03z] Flight Phase: On Approach
[22:48:29z] Flaps 3 at 7224 ft MSL with 204KIAS
[22:48:29z] Flaps 2 at 7197 ft MSL with 204KIAS
[22:48:32z] Flaps 3 at 7104 ft MSL with 206KIAS
[22:50:55z] Flaps 4 at 3615 ft MSL with 198KIAS
[22:50:55z] Flaps 3 at 3600 ft MSL with 198KIAS
[22:50:58z] Flaps 4 at 3544 ft MSL with 196KIAS
[22:52:34z] Flight Phase: Cruise
[22:53:11z] Flaps 5 at 2045 ft MSL with 171KIAS
[22:54:00z] Flaps 6 at 2027 ft MSL with 159KIAS
[22:54:00z] Flaps 5 at 2027 ft MSL with 159KIAS
[22:54:03z] Flaps 6 at 2027 ft MSL with 161KIAS
[22:54:07z] Gear Down at 2040 ft MSL with 159KIAS
[22:54:33z] Flight Phase: On Approach
[22:54:39z] Flight Phase: Landing
[22:55:59z] Flaps 4 at 904 ft MSL with 153KIAS
[22:56:00z] Flaps 6 at 890 ft MSL with 153KIAS
[22:56:02z] Flaps 7 at 862 ft MSL with 153KIAS
[22:56:07z] Flaps 8 at 804 ft MSL with 151KIAS
[22:56:55z] Flight Phase: Cruise
[22:57:40z] Flaps 0 at 185 ft MSL with 7KIAS
[22:57:41z] Flaps 8 at 185 ft MSL with 7KIAS
[22:57:48z] Flaps 7 at 185 ft MSL with 9KIAS
[22:57:53z] Flaps 6 at 185 ft MSL with 9KIAS
[22:57:56z] Flaps 5 at 185 ft MSL with 11KIAS
[22:57:59z] Flaps 4 at 185 ft MSL with 13KIAS
[22:58:02z] Flaps 3 at 185 ft MSL with 15KIAS
[22:58:06z] Flaps 2 at 185 ft MSL with 17KIAS
[22:58:10z] Flaps 1 at 185 ft MSL with 19KIAS
[22:58:17z] Flaps 0 at 185 ft MSL with 17KIAS
[23:02:24z] Parking Brake set
[23:03:20z] Recording stopped
[23:03:20z] Max. Simrate: 1x
[23:03:20z] Client: CCFTracker Free
[23:03:21z] Client Version: 1.2